Dormant Pruning – How To Maintain Your Plant’s Health During The Dormant Season

By Wendy Kjeldbjerg,

  Filed under: Seasonal Plant Care
  Comments: None

dormant pruning before

dormant pruning after












In order to maintain a tree’s desired branching structure, health, and appearance, it is neces­sary to utilize the prac­tice of dormant pruning. This type of pruning can be done when the plant is dormant, typically from late fall to early spring. The ap­propriate time to evalu­ate the plant’s branching structure, and to make proper decisions as to the level of pruning needed, is when the plant is dormant.


Dormant prun­ing is used to remove potential hazard points such as week branches, narrow crotch angles, and crossing branches. This technique is also used to help guide the plant for directional growth, create fullness, and increase growth.


During the dormant pruning service, we provide crown-cleaning, thinning, and structural pruning for trees under 30: tall. We also do rejuvenation pruning for summer-flowering shrubs, clearance-pruning and removing dead branches from evergreen trees.


In our nurseries, dormant pruning is the most im­portant thing we do to create an attractive and healthy plant. For a new landscape installation, dormant pruning should begin by the second or third year. For an exist­ing landscape, we rec­ommend annual dor­mant pruning.


Poul’s dormant pruning is per­formed by arborist-trained personnel and is supervised by an Illinois Certified Arborist.

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